How Would You Rate Your Overall Holistic Health and Wellness?
Take this assessment test to discover your total wellness balance among the major pillars of health: body, mind,
social, family, environment and finances. Sometimes life stresses our equilibrium and our ability to deal with these
issues throws one or more of these areas out of balance. If you take a moment to complete this assessment; you
may be surprised by what you learn. The results of this assessment will allow you to focus on areas of interest or
provide insight into aspects of your life you may want to further develop. This is also a great tool to assist you in
forming your personal development goals.
1. Please indicate your sex
2. When you awake in the morning , what best describes your energy level?*
3. You follow directions or recommended guidelines and act in ways likely to keep others and yourself safe.
4. When you feel attacked in someway. How do you respond?
5. Please Check any and all boxes that apply to you. Hold Down the CTRL Key for Multiple Selections.
6. When you are stressed or upset your response is to eat comfort foods (such as chocolate, chips, candy, etc.)*
7. You are a chronic worrier and tend to be suspicious of others.
8. Doing an activity or exercise is a better way to learn than watching it being done
9. While listening to a lecture, a picture or other visual representation would help clarify the information for you.
10. What areas of your life do you feel need to improve? Hold Down the CTRL Key for Multiple Selections.
11. Write Down 2-3 of your goals
12. Please Type in Your Email Address